About Erin

Circus and Adventure Artist Erin Carey standing atop a white horse

Erin was born under a new moon in Aries on the rugged coastline of California, destined to lead a life of adventure. After overcoming childhood illness, she defied all expectations of her physical abilities and started traveling to remote regions of the world performing. By the time she was 18, she had traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, surviving malaria and other near-death experiences. She studied Marine Biology for several years, diving with sharks, tracking orcas, and mapping coral reefs before running off to circus school. There she found her thrills climbing and falling from great heights and circled the globe, inspiring shock and awe in audiences from Manhattan to Amman. She then moved to the rugged edge of the world and became a firefighter in the wilds of Big Sur, California. Today she spends her days riding her motorcycle on dusty roads, fighting fires, paragliding, and spinning stories in the sky while empowering people to discover their strength and encouraging them to face their fears and fly. Always searching for the next adventure…